Legal notice


The owner of this web set at the visitor's disposal a range of data that according to Act 34/2002 of 11 July– LSSICE of “Information Society Services of Electronic Commerce”, are obligatory either for the addressee of the service either for the competent bodies. The data will be free, easely and directly accessible:



VAT.: B54793799

Company Address: C/ Sant Nicolau, 4 - 03801 Alcoi

Registered at the Companies House of ALICANTE T 3788 , F 21, S 8, H A 140778

You can contact with the owner by any of these means:

Phone number: 865 600 051



This Legal Advise regulates the use of, website of PROES CHEMICALS SL through which we offer information about the company, the products manufactured and commercialized to the internet users.


The intellectual and industrial property of all the content of this website, including distinctive brands and signs, are exclusively owned by PROES CHEMICALS SL, unless in case that another owner will be indicated specifically. The full or partial reproduction of this website content is forbidden, by any means, without written express authorization.


The visitors or users of this website are responsible of reading carefully the General Use Conditions detailed. The use or access to this website implies the knowledge and full acceptance of each and every one of the legal advice and general conditions that, in any moment, PROES CHEMICALS SL may set.

Likewise, the use of certains services that this site may offer to the users will involve the acceptance, without any reservation, of the specifical conditions, advices or instructions that PROES CHEMICALS SL may stablish in any moment with specific, sustitutive or complementary character to the one of the general conditions.

Our website may include hyperlinks to other websites that are not controlled by our web, as a service to our visitors. This is why PROES CHEMICALS SL does not guarantee and is not responsible of the licitness, liability, usefulness, veracity and update of the content of this websites nor of its privacy practice. Before giving your personal data to these websites in which PROES CHEMICALS SL is not involved, please take into account that their privacy policy may differ from ours.

In case that forums or similar spaces may exist and may be used, it must be taken into consideration that the messages only express the opinion of the USER that write them, that is the only responsible. PROES CHEMICALS SL won't be responsible of the content of the messages sent by the USER.


Generally, the access to the contents offered by PROES CHEMICALS SL will be free, and the user won’t be required to give their personal data, nor to subscribe nor to use their keys or passwords.

When personal data will be needed for contracting or requesting information, the users must guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authentity and validity. PROES CHEMICALS SL is commited to manage the data in the corresponding automatic way according to the aim and nature of them, in the terms and conditions specified in the Privacy Policy.


The use of must obey the content of this General Conditions as well as each and every one of applicable legal provisions and good habits, moral and public order requirements generally accepted.

Unless previous and express authorization from PROES CHEMICALS SL, the users only can use the contents and services offered on this website for personal use, avoiding all direct or indirect actions that may become a commercial use of them.

The users will utilize the contents and services provided by PROES CHEMICALS SL in accordance with the existing laws, and they will be responsible for any behaviour or activity that, in any case, may be ilegal or injurious for the third party rights or that may damage, hamper or limitate the use of this website to other users.

Users are commited not to transmit or spread messages, images, phographies, software, data or content through the web that:

  • of any means, damage or infringe upon the fundamental rights recognized by the legal system.
  • induce, incite or promote criminal, degrading, defamatory, shameful, violent, discriminatory actions because of sex, race, religion or ideology, or, generally, being contrary to the law, moral or public order.
  • are false, ambiguous, unprecise, excessive, obscene or untimely.
  • are protected by any industrial or intellectual property owned by third parties, unless it exists an express authorization by its owner.
  • harm or may harm the honor right, the personal privacy, the image of third people or may break the law about the secret or confidenciality of communications.
  • are illegal, false or disloyal advertising.
  • have viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs or any other material or software that may damage or change the device or computer system functioning.

PROES CHEMICALS SL won't be responsible of the incorrect use of the website content by its users, at the same time, the company reserves the right to take legal actions to make up for the damages caused as a consequence of the innappropiate and illegal use of the website content. In addition, PROES CHEMICALS SL reserves the unilateral right to deny the access to its website to those users that break the General Conditions Use at any time and without any advice or justification.


PROES CHEMICALS SL reserves the right to carry out the convenient modifications on its website without prior notice. The company can change, delete or add any content or service offered on its web, as well as the way they appear represented or located on their website.

The validity of the mentioned conditions will be set according to its exhibition and they will be in force until they will be modified by others correctly published.

MINORS offers its services to users over the age of 18 years. Users under 18 are not authorized to use our services and won't be able, then, to send us their personal data. We inform you that, if this situation happens, PROES CHEMICALS SL won't be responsible of the consequences that might arise from the break of the advice stablished on this clause.